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后期:Young Y
I’m not alone 我并不孤单
I just want to find someone likes me 我会找到我的爱人
someone likes me, 我的朋友
and someone likes me. 还有和我一样的“异类”

So many times I was wrong, when I came alone the long way. 一路走来,曾经犯过许多错
I thought I’d be taught to be strong, but still feeling taugh pain. 我以为自己已经足够坚强,却还是痛彻心扉
Put myself standin’ the rain, raining dropping down my vein 每当我站在恶意的暴雨中时
They never doubt, just say, “Kids, Are you faking insane?” 他们从不关心,只是问“你疯了吗”
I tried to walk ’em to talk 我尝试过去与世界和解
All my concerns about 告诉他们我所思所想
I’m stucked but ambition is 100 percent above 所有的希冀却见证了高墙筑起
Prob’ the second arosed 从那一刻起
Internation around 我被世界孤立了
When there’s no one else, left myself cool on the ground 站在地上,身体却逐渐冰冷
I keep telling you telling you,you gon’ need someone who’s fitting you 我说啊 你要找到合适的人
But he’s beating you beating you,I’m afraid that one day he do killing you 但是他们却一次次让你遍体鳞伤
I’m not kidding you kidding you,should no one’s ass be on shtting you 又有谁配得上你的低声下气呢?
Someone is wating you waiting you,don’t let yourself end up hating you 往前看吧 总有人在下一个路口等你
Ain’t we all the same but the innervation? 人与人之间的差距不应该只有思想吗
I’ve got this from my parents’ home education 我从小就知道的道理 为什么长大后却改变了
So called the bad luck, the sad hub, the fate sucks 我以为是一时的不走运而已
What you doin’ to me? God please no I’m not a patient!!! 在他们眼中 我竟然是个病人吗
Verse 2:
I’m afraid of the black and the falling moon 我总是杞人忧天 害怕夜不再明 月不再起
Be diving into night lonely time,Imma’ dying soon 孤独是最封喉的毒药
Darkness took my air away from their understood 浓重的墨色让我窒息
Could anyone tell, where the fak is my saving hood? 这样的日子真的有尽头吗?
How does that sht just stuck in my way? 为什么这些破事独独发生在我身上
How could my day just become my days? 我要什么时候才能回到从前的日子
How dare you say the word ‘calm down’ so easily
Since you even know nothing about the fak I’m getting through 未尝他人苦,莫劝他人善
Days I see the moon rise so as the sun 我的世界中只有月升 没有日落
Time for bed is not the moonlight, but at the dawn. 当黎明的曙光出现时 我才能安心入眠
This is not what I mean for, sticking in thin board 我已经无法逃离这如履薄冰的生活
Am I a broken toy, forbiden living in fable 像是被童话抛弃的 坏掉的人偶
Truely I don’t need that kind of love you give me 我很感谢你所表达的善意
Cause’ that is not from the heart but sort of sorry 但那不是爱 只是同情和善良而已
I’m actually happy myself, life and dream indeed 其实我自己也很开心 关于生活和梦想
So call me Alice, a whale in no one’s sea 叫我Alice吧 做一只孤岛的鲸
